Here's what it looked like before we attacked it with said trowel... and the spray gun...
Android Attic Studio - BEFORE
No, that's not the Android's music equipment - these photos were taken before we moved in.
We discovered that the particular type of pine used to line the ceilings with was still bleeding tannin even after 40 years. So the whole area at the be sealed with Zinsser Cover Stain before we could paint it. And that needed to be applied with a brush...
All the walls were spray painted with our favourite Dulux "White on White".
After scraping up the old carpet (and going through several dust masks), the floorboards weren't in good enough condition to leave exposed. Also, those same boards form the roof of the rooms underneath, so needed a bit of cover.
So we laid foam underlay, then covered that with chipboard sheeting screwed directly into the joists.
Android Attic Studio - DURING
We have since lime-washed the floors using Feast Watson Liming White, and we have new light fittings (to replace the buzzing flouros) waiting for us to book the electrician again.
The stairwell leading up to the attic also got a thorough stripping.
Stairwell to Andoid's Attic - BEFORE
The previous owners were obviously of the opinion that one could never have too much red shag pile. And there was always scope to line a room with pine panelling.
Stairwell to Android's Attic - DURING
Dulux "White on White" makes yet another appearance. The good thing about knowing you are going to rip the carpet us, is that little care to what lands on it needs to be paid.
This is a fairly terrible photo of the concrete stairs (I forgot the flash on the camera).
We are in the process of sealing the concrete on both these stairs and in the hallway (shown painted white in a previous post) using a low VOC product by Livos.
Updates on the sealed concrete floors will follow next.
Until then